This project adds to a rich portfolio of work on diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education. The resources below are samples of blog series, data, programs and initiatives, reports, and tools around this portfolio of work. Content on this page can be filtered by resource type and will be updated regularly.

Achieving The DreamVisit the Site
Achieving The Dream
Achieving the Dream is a comprehensive non-governmental reform movement for student success. Together with our network of higher ed institutions, coaches and advisors, state policy teams, investors and partners, Achieving the Dream is helping more than 4 million community college students have a better economic opportunity and achieve… Show More
University of Southern California
The University of Southern California is home to a dynamic research and organizational improvement center that helps professionals in educational institutions, corporations, and other contexts strategically develop and achieve equity goals, better… Show More
Center for Urban Education; Univeristy of Southern California
The Equity Scorecard™ is both a process and a data tool. As a process, it combines a theoretical framework with practical strategies to initiate institutional change that will lead to equitable outcomes for students of color. What’s unique about it is the engagement of individuals from different departments and divisions in an evidence team which investigates… Show More
College Board
This paper focuses on the impact on the calculations of differential item functioning (DIF) statistics when respondents can select all ethnic and racial categories that apply. Over 5,000 participants were recruited to take a full-length… Show More
Completing College – National by Race and Ethnicity – 2017Read the Report
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center
This supplement to NSC's Signature Report 12 (Shapiro et al., 2016) provides six-year completion rates, including degree and certificate completion, disaggregated by race and ethnicity for students who began postsecondary education in fall 2010. The fall 2010 cohort was also the focus of… Show More
Indicators of Higher Education Equity in the United StatesVisit the Site
The Pell Institute and Penn Ahead
The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education (Pell Institute) at the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy at the University of Pennsylvania (PennAHEAD) are pleased to announce the publication of… Show More
National Survey of Student EngagementVisit the Site
NSSE Institute for Effective Educational Practice
Through its student survey, The College Student Report, NSSE annually collects information at hundreds of four-year colleges and universities about first-year and senior students' participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development.… Show More
What Works Clearinghouse: PostsecondaryVisit the Site
What Works Clearinghouse
The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviews the existing research on different programs, products, practices, and policies in education. Our goal is to provide educators with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions. They focus on… Show More
Creating Inclusive Communities ProjectVisit the Site
College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR)
On the surface, these portraits represent HR professionals you could meet on any college campus. But the narratives that accompany the portraits give us a deeper understanding of each person’s unique perspective on life and the world.
Five Things Student Affairs Administrators Can Do to Improve Success Among College Men of ColorRead the Report (PDF) 566 KB
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA)
This brief advocates for institutional responsibility for student success, with an emphasis on what student affairs administrators can contribute to ongoing efforts to improve rates of success among college men of color.
Five Things Student Affairs Professionals Can Do to Support Latinx/a/o Students in Community CollegesRead the Report (PDF) 1.6 MB
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA)
This brief may also serve as a resource for professionals at baccalaureate-granting institutions who work with students who have transferred from a community college. Community colleges in the United States enroll 38% of all postsecondary students, with about half of all… Show More
Measuring Excellence in Access and DiversityRead the Report (PDF) 448 KB
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)
With the goal of informing how access and diversity might be measured in such a system, the information discussed in this paper reflects the challenges of defining diversity, what the research says about access, what schools are currently doing and the tools that are… Show More
Data for the following tests: SAT, PSAT, AP, Springboard; CLEP; AccuplacerVisit the Site
College Board Research
The College Board Research and Psychometrics teams support the organizational mission of connecting students to college success and opportunity. Our research interests span academic preparation, career readiness, college access, admissions, affordability… Show More
Debt in America: An Interactive MapView the Interactive Map
Urban Institute
Credit can be a lifeline during emergencies and a bridge to education and homeownership. But debt, which can stem from credit or unpaid bills, often burdens families and communities and exacerbates wealth inequality. This map shows the geography of debt in America… Show More
Race and Equity SectionVisit the Site
The Hechinger Report
We cover inequality and innovation in education with in-depth journalism that uses research, data and stories from classrooms and campuses to show the public how education can be improved and why it matters. Over 50 years since the Civil Rights Era, there is perhaps… Show More
Education, PostsecondaryVisit the Site
Center for American Progress
The Center for American Progress is an independent nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans, through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Our aim is not just to change the… Show More
Faculty Survey of Student EngagementVisit the Site
NSSE Institute for Effective Educational Practice
The Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) was designed to complement the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), which is administered to undergraduate students.
Beginning College Survey of Student EngagementVisit the Site
NSSE Institute for Effective Educational Practice
BCSSE collects data about entering college students' high school academic and co-curricular experiences, as well as their expectations for participating in educationally purposeful activities during the first college year. BCSSE administration usually takes place prior to the start of fall classes and is designed to be paired… Show More
CUPA-HR Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Maturity IndexVisit the Site
Move from talking about the issues to creating change on your campus with CUPA-HR's new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Maturity Index. In higher education, attention to DEI efforts is often focused on the student population. This index is designed to help higher education institutions… Show More
Voices from the Field: Women of Color Presidents in Higher EducationRead the Report
American Council on Education (ACE)
In order to better understand some of the reasons for the slow growth in the number of women of color in the presidency, ACE conducted four semi-structured interviews with women of color who are serving as presidents or chancellors of colleges and universities. These conversations focused on how race… Show More
Speaking Truth and Acting with Integrity: Confronting Challenges of Campus Racial ClimateRead the Report (PDF) 3.5 MB
American Council on Education (ACE)
An ACE report that explores what led to the University of Missouri’s 2015-16 racial crisis and how the institution has since responded, offering recommendations to college and university leaders who strive to create and maintain a positive racial climate on campus.
Campus Inclusion and Freedom of Expression: Hateful IncidentsRead the Brief
American Council on Education (ACE)
Realizing the two ideals of inclusion and expression in mutual harmony is challenging, especially in today’s social and political climate—an environment that has yielded an upsurge in hate crimes, violent or hateful acts, and hateful rhetoric, including… Show More
Campus Inclusion and Freedom of Expression: Controversial SpeakersRead the Brief
American Council on Education (ACE)
This To the Point brief provides college leaders with insights and considerations regarding the tension between campus inclusion and freedom of expression, here focused on the institutional reaction to a controversial speaker on campus. Included in this… Show More
Freedom of Speech, Diversity, and InclusionView the Blog Series
American Council on Education (ACE)
This ACE Higher Education Today blog series aims to unpack the tensions between campus inclusion and freedom of expression through president and student survey data and commentary from higher education leaders, higher education administrators,… Show More
Campus Climate and STEM SuccessView the Blog Series
American Council on Education (ACE)
This ACE Higher Education Today blog series in collaboration with the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan aims to upback the differences, similarities, and connections between… Show More
Campus Climate and the National Dialogue on Diversity and InclusionView the Blog Series
American Council on Education (ACE)
This ACE Higher Education Today blog series was sparked by student protests that began in 2015 and the subsequent national dialogue on diversity and inclusion. It aims to broadly inform college and university leadership about the multiple… Show More
Minority Serving Institutions in Focus: Enrollment and Outcomes at MSIsView the Blog Series
American Council on Education (ACE)
This ACE Higher Education Today blog series sheds a light on enrollment and completion for students who attend MSIs and provides insight into how these institutions serve students in unique and exemplary ways.
Beyond the Margins: Meeting the Needs of Underserved StudentsView the Blog Series
American Council on Education (ACE)
This ACE Higher Education Today blog series on underserved student populations brings together ACE staff and guest authors—administrators, scholars, practitioners and analysts—to look at deep-rooted issues that perpetuate division and inequity.
Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Government Investment in Public Hispanic-Serving InstitutionsRead the Brief
American Council on Education (ACE)
This issue brief provides an overview of a pattern of historic inequities in funding that led to federal recognition and support for Hispanic Serving Institutions, explains the current revenue streams available to these institutions, and… Show More
Tribal College and University Funding: Tribal Sovereignty at the Intersection of Federal, State, and Local FundingRead the Brief
American Council on Education (ACE)
This issue brief first contextualizes the important progress Tribal Colleges and Universities have made in Indian Country, then describes important inequities in federal, state, and local funding that limit these institutions’ ability to further their impact… Show More
Race, Class, and College Access: Achieving Diversity in a Shifting Legal LandscapeRead the Report
American Council on Education (ACE)
This groundbreaking report examines how legal challenges to race-conscious admissions are influencing contemporary admissions practices at selective colleges and universities around the country. Study findings are based on responses to a… Show More
Minority Serving Institutions as Engines of Upward MobilityRead the Report
American Council on Education (ACE)
The analysis in this brief utilizes newly released Equality of Opportunity Project​ data to examine the upward income mobility of students who attended MSIs compared to students who did not. Overall, the authors found that MSIs propel… Show More
Pulling Back the Curtain: Enrollment and Outcomes at Minority Serving InstitutionsRead the Report
American Council on Education (ACE)
The analysis in this first-of-its-kind report uses NSC data to examine how students who started college at an MSI in 2007 moved through higher education. NSC data capture student enrollment profiles and outcomes beyond that which is available… Show More
The Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color: Cross Sector Collaboration as a Model for Improving Educational OutcomesRead the Report
American Council on Education (ACE)
This brief provides a “Blueprint for Action” with key principles for action steps that educators and leaders can take to support Black and Latino boys and young men in secondary and postsecondary institutions.
Racial Equity and InclusionVisit the Site
Living Cities
Founded in 1991, Living Cities harnesses the collective power of the world’s largest foundations and financial institutions to build a new type of urban practice that gets dramatically better results for low-income people. Together, they are working with cross-sector leaders in cities to develop and scale new approaches geared… Show More
Truth, Racial Healing, and TransformationVisit the Site
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) is a comprehensive, national and community-based process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change, and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism. It seeks to unearth and jettison the deeply held… Show More
Pullias Center for Higher EducationVisit the Site
University of Southern California
The mission of the Pullias Center for Higher Education is to bring a multidisciplinary perspective to complex social, political, and economic issues in higher education. Our work is devoted to the key issues of college access, retention, and accountability for… Show More
National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID)Visit the Site
University of Michigan
The National Center for Institutional Diversity, in order to create a more equitable and inclusive society, produces, catalyzes, and elevates diversity research and scholarship. In this pursuit, they also build intergenerational communities of scholars and leaders to integrate… Show More
Public and Private Investments and Divestments in Historically Black Colleges and Universities​Read the Brief
American Council on Education
​This brief highlights that despite efforts to counter a historical legacy of inequitable funding and investments by federal and state governments, resource inequities continue to plague historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
Designing for Equity in Next Gen LearningView the Toolkit
NGLC (Next Gen Learning Challenges)
This toolkit offers tools and methods for tapping equity’s inventive potential for new school designs. Reflect on inspired and passionate practices of teachers and leaders emerging from the NGLC Regional Funds for Breakthrough Schools, seven organizations engaged in nurturing local learning… Show More
Diversity, Equity, and InclusionVisit the Site
The EDUCAUSE Board and leadership have established diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a critical priority for the association. Research demonstrates that diverse communities are more resilient, creative, and effective; however, few IT and academic technology… Show More
Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) and Cooperative Institutional Research ProgramVisit the Site
University of California, Los Angeles
The Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) is a national longitudinal study of the American higher education system. It is regarded as the most comprehensive source of information on college students.… Show More
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship ProgramVisit the Site
TheMellon Foundation
The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program is the centerpiece of the Mellon Foundation’s initiatives to increase diversity in the faculty ranks of institutions of higher learning. Established in 1988 by William G. Bowen, then the president of… Show More
Higher Education Policy & PracticeVisit the Site
The Education Trust
More than almost any other factor, postsecondary education is associated with larger earning potential, and adults with bachelor’s degrees are only about half as likely to be unemployed. A postsecondary degree is the ticket to… Show More
The Institute for College Access and SuccessVisit the Site
The Institute for College Access and Success
An independent, nonprofit organization, the Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS) works to make higher education more available and affordable for people of all backgrounds. By conducting and supporting nonpartisan… Show More
The Unequal Race for Good Jobs: How Whites Made Outsized Gains in Education and Good Jobs Compared to Blacks and LatinosRead the Report
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
This report explores how inequities in access to good jobs by race and ethnicity have grown over the past several decades. The report utilizes data from the Current Population Survey, sponsored by the US Census Bureau and… Show More
Opportunity InsightsRead the Report
Opportunity Insights
Previously the Equality of Opportunity Project, Opportunity Insights is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization based at Harvard University and directed by Raj Chetty, John Friedman, and Nathaniel Hendren. They conduct scientific research using “big data” on how to improve upward mobility… Show More
Leading After a Racial Crisis: Weaving a Campus Tapestry of Diversity and InclusionRead the Report
American Council on Education (ACE)
This is the second ACE report resulting from a multi-year case study of the University of Missouri’s campus racial crisis and recovery. It explores how higher education weaver-leaders can help their campuses build diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) capacity.