Work Licenses and Certifications, by Gender

Approximately one in five adults reported having either a work certification or license. Regardless of gender, White adults and Black or African American adults were more likely to have either a work certification or license than other groups. Hispanic or Latino adults were the least likely to have either work certifications or licenses.

Percentage of Adults Who Have a Work Certification or License, by Gender and Race and Ethnicity: 2016: Women
Percentage of Adults Who Have a Work Certification or License, by Gender and Race and Ethnicity: 2016: Men


U.S. Department of Education, Adult Training and Education Survey, 2016

Work certifications are occupational credentials awarded by a certification body based on an individual demonstrating through an examination process that they have acquired the designated knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform a specific job.

A work license is an occupational credential awarded by a government agency that constitutes legal authority to do a specific job.

! Interpret with caution. Ratio of standard error to estimate is >30% but <50%.