Debt: Associate Degree Recipients

Among students who completed an associate degree in 2019–20, 35.8 percent borrowed an average of $17,252 during their undergraduate years, with a median debt among borrowers of $14,166 at graduation. The share of associate degree recipients who borrowed money to finance their education decreased 12.2 percentage points between 2015–16 and 2019–20, from 48.0 percent to 35.8 percent. [1]

Borrowing Rates Among Associate Degree Recipients, by Race and Ethnicity: 2019-20
Average Debt per Borrower: Associate Degree Recipients, by Race and Ethnicity: 2019-20


U.S. Department of Education, National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 2020

Institutions were categorized into sectors based upon control of the institution and the length of the predominant award granted.

Data for for the following borrowing rates should be interpreted with caution. Estimate is unstable because the standard error represents more than 30 percent of the estimate.

  • American Indian or Alaska Native, percent who borrowed, 2019-2020

Reporting standards not met for the following data:

  • American Indian or Alaska Native, average amount borrowed per borrower, 2019-2020

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, average amount borrowed per borrower, 2019-2020

  • International students, average amount borrowed per borrower, 2019-2020

[1] Data from 2015–16 is from Espinosa et al. 2019.