Full-Time Faculty New Hires by Sector

More than 45,000 full-time faculty were hired during 2021, 12 percent fewer than in 2017. Among the newly hired full-time faculty, 56.2 percent were White, compared with 69.4 percent of all full-time faculty who were White in 2021.[1] The share of new hires who were Black or African American was significantly higher than the share of all faculty—9.5 percent versus 6.1 percent. The share of new hires who were international was 8.9 percent, compared with 3.3 percent of all faculty.

New Hires of Full-Time Faculty Across Race and Ethnicity, by Sector: Fall 2021


U.S. Department of Education, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, 2021

Data for “All Institutions” reflect new hires with faculty status at all Title IV eligible, degree-granting institutions.

Institutions were categorized into sectors based upon control of the institution and the length of the predominant award granted.

[1] New hires are individuals who were hired in full-time, permanent positions, including those who were first-time hires and those who returned after a break in employment at their institution between November 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021. New hires do not include individuals returning from sabbatical or those who work on a contract for fewer than nine months (NCES n.d.).